
Blog Entries by "Amy Jennings ”

Physical Activity for Young People

Physical Activity for Young People

November 12, 2020

We all know kids need exercise; however, kids have switched from their carefree outdoor summer to structured days indoors with more screen time. Add to that the need to downsize our quarantine bubble due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the Spokane area and activity can easily slip through the cracks. The good news is that kids are adaptable and have great imaginations. They just need some reminders to get moving. They need brain breaks.

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Cast Your Vote and Stay Safe

Cast Your Vote and Stay Safe

October 28, 2020

Election time is here, and we want you to know it is still safe to make your vote count!

Learn how to keep yourself and our election staff safe.

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Halloween's a go! Let's do it safely!

Halloween's a go! Let's do it safely!

October 14, 2020

Let’s talk Halloween. If you think staying safe on October 31, means no fun, it’s time to get creative. In the last few weeks, the internet has been filled with ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 while celebrating Halloween. Whether you’re going to be with kids or adults, hop on line and you can find safe ideas along with inspiration for your (online) costume contest winning get-up. If that’s too overwhelming, here’s some simple ideas to keep you celebrating.

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Cloth Face Coverings Support Health and Business Recovery

Cloth Face Coverings Support Health and Business Recovery

June 09, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings, when physical distancing is difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). Researchers are learning more about COVID-19 every day, including that some people can unknowingly spread the virus to others before they have symptoms or spread the virus to others without ever having symptoms. This is why maintaining physical distancing from others is effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Now that businesses are slowly starting to open as part of the Safe Start Washington recovery plan, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain 6-feet of distance from others, especially in indoor public places. Wearing a cloth face covering can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in these instances.

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Expanded Testing and Contact Tracing Key to Safe Reopening of Businesses

Expanded Testing and Contact Tracing Key to Safe Reopening of Businesses

May 26, 2020

A key component to Governor Jay Inslee’s Safe Start Washington Recovery Plan to safely reopen businesses is to increase testing of anyone with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and notify close contacts of those who test positive for the disease. A close contact is defined as anyone who was around the positive person, while infectious, for a prolonged period of time (defined as being within 6 feet of someone with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes). These are typically household members, coworkers, classmates, or people who you may have interacted with socially. The process of identifying, testing, and treating close contacts is known as contact tracing. Testing and contact tracing are critical to “box in the virus” and prevent it from spreading to others in the community.

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